Three members of the Lighthouse team wear their coat every day, walk around on all fours, sleep on the job, very seldom bark out their orders, and always get special attention from employees and visitors. It is with pleasure that we introduce you to Dana, Jonas, and Piper – Guide Dogs Extraordinaire!
Jonas is the old man among the three at age seven years. Here are things that Andrew Bernet has to share about his guide dog:
Training School: Guide Dogs for the Blind, Portland, OR campus
Breed: Yellow Lab
How long has he been your guide: Five and a half years
Name something unique about Jonas: Whenever he isn’t working, he will punch me when he is hungry.
What will happen when Jonas retires: He will continue to be a much beloved member of my household.
Why did you choose to get a guide dog: I use both a guide dog and white cane, depending on the situation. I like traveling with a dog because we can travel faster. It is also pretty cool that I am able to bring my hairy buddy along to all places.
Interesting note about Andrew is that he is one of two Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists employed at the Lighthouse.
Piper was the first of the three guide dogs to arrive at the Lighthouse, joining the Lighthouse team in 2012 when Jamie Larson came on staff as our receptionist.
Training School: Guide Dogs of America, Sylmar, Ca
Breed: Black Labrador Retriever
How long has she been your guide: Four and a half years
How old is she: Six and a half years
Name something unique about Piper: She doesn’t make any noise except when she sleeps
What will happen when Piper retires: She will stay with me; she is like one of one my kids
Why did you choose to get a guide dog: I saw a guide dog many years ago and decided that if I ever got to a point where I needed assistance, a guide dog would be my choice
How did you choose your school: I applied at several schools and three – one in New York, one in Connecticut, and one in California – offered me a position in a class. Given it was winter and I was from California, I chose the California school.
What is one more thing we need to know about Piper: She is extremely sensitive to people’s feelings, and she tries to comfort people when they are upset.
Dana is the youngest of the three. She guides Assistive Technology Specialist Shawn Keen and is his fifth guide dog.
Training School: Guide Dogs for the Blind
Breed: Golden Retriever Lab Mix
How long has she been your guide: Two and a half years
How old is Dana: Four years
Name something unique about Dana: She is generally so quiet that you don’t know she’s there
What will happen when Dana retires: I will keep her; in the past, other dogs have gone to friends to live the “good life”
Why did you choose to get a guide dog: While I do use a guide dog, I find that I am an independent traveler with both a cane and a dog. However, the dog is most beneficial for me when traveling out of town or in unfamiliar places
What is one more thing we need to know about Dana: While she is very quiet and well behaved while in harness, she can also be a total “spaz” at home:
Why did you go through Guide Dogs for the Blind: My first dog came from GDB
Just a reminder that the Lighthouse loves having guide dogs in the “House” and proudly host the monthly meetings of the Fort Worth Chapter of Guide Dogs for the Blind Puppies in Training. For information on the puppy raisers, contact Nancy at the Lighthouse.