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Camp Lighthouse @ the Y

June 25 – July 1, 2023

Lighthouse for the Blind, in collaboration with YMCA Camp Carter, is hosting a week-long overnight camp experience for Texas students who are blind or significantly visually impaired. The camp will have an emphasis on increasing independence. Our theme will be Explore Independence with a curriculum including Orientation and Mobility, Independent Living Skills, Assistive Technology, and more geared toward high school students between the ages of 12 to 16. Every camper will bring home their own bag full of items to assist in their daily lives, compliments of the Lighthouse, and our generous funders.

This summer camp experience will be SO FUN! Each camper will learn real-life skills through technology already out there that will impact their academic development, increase ease of mobility, and grow confidence in their ability to live independently. At all times, the camper’s safety, privacy, and overall camp experience will be of the highest priority. AND THERE IS MORE FUN: Campers will also have the opportunity to hang out and interact with other campers (sighted and non-sighted) in fun recreational activities such as beep baseball, archery, swimming, horseback riding, and more!

Nominations should be submitted to the Lighthouse for the Blind on or before the deadline of May 2nd. Selection will take place the week of May 9th. Award notification letters and additional information will be emailed to parents in May.

Thanks to generous donations by local corporations and foundations, the Lighthouse will cover all camp fees for each camper. Parents will be responsible for all clothing and sundry items required by Camp Carter. Later, parents will be required to complete a Camp Carter Application with appropriate releases and a medical form that requires their doctor’s signature and proof of updated immunizations prior to final acceptance into the camp.

When:      Sunday, June 25th – July 1st. Drop off on Sunday between 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.; Pick-up Saturday, at 9:00 a.m.

Where:     Camp Carter YMCA, 6200 Sand Springs Road, Fort Worth, TX 76114

Camp Lighthouse Nomination

For additional information, contact Ronnie Bellomy or Lea Rowe