National Industries for the Blind (NIB) held their annual National Symposium last month to recognize employees of the year nominations and provide an opportunity for representatives of associated nonprofit agencies to gather in Washington, D.C. to meet with members of Congress and their staff. This allowed agencies to build relationships with them and discuss issues affecting the employment of people who are blind.
This year we were proud to send 5 Lighthouse employees to the symposium: Platt Allen, President/CEO; Hugh Neilson, Head of Sales & Marketing; Kevin Higgins, Certified Independent Living Instructor; Rebecca Smith, Communications Coordinator; and Ira Smith, Lighthouse Employee of the Year Nominee.
While our team was there, they had the opportunity to meet with Senator Ted Cruz, staff from Senator John Cornyn, staff from Rep. Joe Barton, & staff from Rep. Roger Williams to discuss the WIOA VR Rule.